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"I believe that, One must treat all aspects of the person:

mind, body, spirit and emotions,

to better elicit the HEALING PROCESS" Tracy Leach



Tracy has worked in the body-centered Healing Field for over 35 years. 

She has seen first hand how Physical, Psychological, Emotional and even Spiritual Traumas have a profound impact on the body. And, if not resolved, lead to chronic disease and degeneration.

In our Indigenous Culture, Manual Therapy has been used in the treatment of disease and injury for thousands of years as a viable form of healing, it has been widely used in combination

with other forms of therapy, such as herbs, prayers and ceremonies... 

This Holistic approach comes from the belief that one must treat all aspects of the Person: Mind, Body, Spirit and Emotions,

to better elicit the Healing process. 



Indigenous Focusing-Oriented Therapy 

Indigenous Focusing-Oriented Therapy (IFOT)

is a body-centered and person-centered approach to healing. 

It allows Clients of all ethnicities total control of the pace and direction of their healing journey. This methodology is culturally relevant, historically sensitive and politically timely for all People. 

It is particularly effective in the treatment and healing of complex trauma and it is a successful form of therapy for all ages - Children, Youth, Adults and Elders.

Various Indigenous treatment modalities are woven throughout the therapy or group sessions such as: experiential exercises, story-telling, ceremonial processes and land-based healing techniques.

Indigenous Focusing-Oriented Therapy (IFOT) is a safe and effective method of counselling for clients who experience complex trauma, intergenerational or vicarious trauma. 

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